Saturday, March 29, 2008

Neti Pot - No Relation to Pohl Pot

In my last post, I described the lovely scent of the desert in bloom and shared pictures of the splendor. Well, where there's smoke there's fire. Or more directly, where there are flowers, there's pollen. Lots of it. For three solid days following my jaunt into the Valley to bring you those snaps, I was a runny, red-eyed mess. It was an effort to convince Megan Evans, with whom I was skype-ing to Melbourne, that all was well as tears were streaming down my face.

Determined not to take Claritin and turn into a speed freak again, I consulted with the local health food store. My first homeopathic remedy was useless. Following some web research, I returned for various items when I ran into my touchstone out here, Gretchen. Gretchen promptly took me by the hand an introduced me to the neti pot, grapefruit extract and aloe vera extract.

The neti pot is a technique for nasal irrigation used in India and integrated into yogic practice. While I was a little daunted by Gretchen's description of the process, I decided to try it as part of my learning experience out here. Warm water, sea salt, grapefruit seed extract and a tilted head. And voila, two days later nary a drip or drop other than that induced when using the pot. Add to that a daily dose of aloe vera and vitamin C with quercetin. Yup folks, I'm going native! Here's a youtube demo for those who care to learn more: NetiDemo

Just in time too as the flowers are racing up the hill toward my cabin. Literally overnight, Joshua Tree is in bloom!

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